Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Why I'm Thinking D

In the four plus years since I first dipped a toe into the world of Design Thinking, I've felt at once more connected to other humans (especially those who share my penchant) and also more lonely, when surrounded by D skeptics, or worse, D apathetics.

Along the way, I have met some incredible individuals--teachers, colleagues, mentors, and mentees. I've often wished there were a forum for us all to connect more frequently and casually outside of academic or professional settings.

So consider this blog a first iteration of my thoughts on How To: connect Design Thinkers to ideate, conversate, relate and generate.

To say I'm open suggestions would be an understatement. I would very much appreciate your thoughts on directions in which this could evolve. Will it become a monthly in-person forum? an online community? a lowly little-read blog? All end-states are exciting to me, and hopefully to you too.

I'm especially curious right now re: platform suggestions. If anyone has ideas as to where I should host this blog and/or other tech tips, I'd be super appreciative! Consider this our first community brainstorm challenge...

What to expect here: evolution, first and foremost. To start, we can share stories of d.thinking--whether at work or in our personal lives. We can brainstorm (virtually or in-person). We can ask questions. We can ideate and help each other stay "in shape" creatively, like circuit training for our right brains. What else? I hope this will be a place with many voices, so chime in please!

Thanks for reading and looking forward to hopefully building a D-centric world where we can get creative together and have some fun!
